The importance of top soil in Alderley Edge should not be underestimated if you expect to grow strong healthy lawns and gardens. Like so many projects, the quality of the final project depends on the foundation or the groundwork. Most people, when planting a garden for flowers or vegetables will till the ground, turning the soil over and breaking up the hard clods. Tender roots don’t have to work hard to sprout in loose aerated soil. However, not all soil has the nutrients needed for plants to get a good start. Without them, young plants may have difficulty fending off insects, disease and inclement weather. We have the finest top soil for borders, flowerbeds, turf and lawn seed.
As landscapers, we have found the finest products to achieve the best results. For our customers in Alderley Edge, top soil as with all our products have been put to the test before we recommend them. For border and flowerbed soil, our border blend top soil is ideal. For turf and grass seed, our top soil is screened to remove lumps and stones visible to the naked eye or felt between thumb and forefinger. It’s an ideal sandy loam ready to support new root systems. We describe our top soil blends as nutritious because for the plants, that’s what it is. Good health comes with proper nutrition so we make sure we do the groundwork before planting by tilling the ground then adding a few inches of nutrition as top soil.
The results we experience with our top soil in Alderley Edge are usually predictable. That’s because we’ve found the right blend for our purposes and yours and we stay with what works. Contact Lindow Turf and order your garden or turf and seed topsoil. For success in the garden you want to do the groundwork first and lay a healthy foundation, especially for seed and turf. That’s not a project you want to repeat very often so it’s crucial to get it right from the outset. With proper aftercare, your garden lawn will thicken, put down deep roots that resist disease, and remain healthy and beautiful year after year. A mature, well cared for lawn, grows stronger each year and is able to endure weather extremes and outdoor family activities without dying off.